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What makes our parties magical?

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Our style of partying in a creative, imaginative & interactive way will have the children completely engaged throughout! All entertainers are trained to the highest standard to ensure the children always get THE best Little Stars party.


Our super fun, fab and energetic entertainers will spark your child's imagination with their skills and exciting party games. We are passionate about making birthday parties truly magical and believe everyone taking part is already a little star, meaning we are non competitive
and everyone's a winner!


With our wide range of themes covering anything from Fairies, Astronauts, Pirates, Unicorns and so much more, we really do have everything you need for the perfect party! On the rare occasion you can't see what you'd like out of all our options, please do let us know. We'd be more than happy to cater to any special requests!


We pride ourselves on our interactive, immersive parties where we use group games, partner work to ensure no child feels self-conscious about 'winning' or 'losing', whilst at the same time maintaining all the fun & silliness to keep the laughs coming!

Easter party
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